Storm Chronicles Discussion Forum

A friendly place for Storm Chronicles enthusiasts to hang out and chat about music, the arts, or anything else that comes to mind. Ask the band questions, talk about your favorite songs or lyrics, post your album reviews, talk about your own original music projects, and more.

Although not a requirement, we recommend registering a free member account with us (you'll see the option when you go to post something). This allows you to maintain a consistent posting identity and add a photo to your profile. Registering is easy and quick! This will also allow you to receive email updates from us periodically. And remember, members of receive exclusive perks from time to time (free song downloads, advance previews of demos/artwork, promotion discounts, and more).
Board nameTopicsLast post

Storm Chronicles

Discussion of Storm Chronicles music, lyrics and events. This is also a great place to ask David and/or Jody questions about the project.

109/22/2013 by Tammy Aronson

General Music Discussion

Talk about any of your favorite music and artists, any style or genre.


Member's Music Projects

A place to talk about your own music - bands, projects, and events. Share and promote your music and videos, announce gigs, get feedback from other members, etc.


Everything Else

Open discussion board about anything. Life, literature, movies, coffee, your pets, chocolate, current events - whatever's on your mind. Off-topic, non-music discussion. Please be civil and respectful.


Musician Talk

A place for musicians to chat about gear, recording, performing, techniques, and any other technical musician-type stuff